Friday, December 21, 2007

week 10 #23

Well, it's the last day. Most of the things we have to do for this training I have either heard of, visited, or tried before. But one thing that stood out was the Zoho. I found that very interesting and useful. As for the LibraryThing, I'm not sure I'll use it later. I don't like Library Elf that much in that I don't think I'd use just because I don't like checking e-mails. Also, this was the first time I've made an avartar for myself. Pretty cool huh?

As for Zoho, I think I'd use that in the future because the only thing I use the computer for beside surfing and other fun stuff is to type my essays. -.-;; It's not something I like to do, but at least, that would allow me to access me un-finished paper on some other computer beside mine and finish it? ^_^;; Well only when I don't procrasinate and wait until the last day to write it that is.

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