Friday, December 21, 2007

week 10 #23

Well, it's the last day. Most of the things we have to do for this training I have either heard of, visited, or tried before. But one thing that stood out was the Zoho. I found that very interesting and useful. As for the LibraryThing, I'm not sure I'll use it later. I don't like Library Elf that much in that I don't think I'd use just because I don't like checking e-mails. Also, this was the first time I've made an avartar for myself. Pretty cool huh?

As for Zoho, I think I'd use that in the future because the only thing I use the computer for beside surfing and other fun stuff is to type my essays. -.-;; It's not something I like to do, but at least, that would allow me to access me un-finished paper on some other computer beside mine and finish it? ^_^;; Well only when I don't procrasinate and wait until the last day to write it that is.

Monday, December 17, 2007

week 2#3

Learning style? I can learn with hands-on demonstrations and practices. I can't just simply follow a list of instructions or notes and do it. And practice, practice, practice. But I'm too lazy and get disctracted easily.

week 9 #22

well, I just randomly searched for A Series of Unfortunate Events but only came up with eAudio books, but since I don't listen to audio books, it was pointless. I then looked at the cookbook section but didn't find anything interesting. Hmm. BUT I like ebook since I can download it onto my computer. :D

week 9 #21

well, I don't really know what to say here. I don't really like to watch much beside music videos. So uhh yeah. I'm not interested in the podcast thing. I went to but couldn't really find anything I like.

week 9 #20

Youtube is not something new for me. I visit there often to watch music videos or funny gameshows. Recently I've been into this japanese food called okonomiyaki. I wanted to make one to eat. But I'm horrible at following recipe without actual on-hand demonstration. However, while googling for okonomiyaki, one of the links lead to youtube. I watched it and then I searched for more video on okonomiyaki on youtube. There were so many links that showed up, from videos of people teaching you how to make simple okonomiyaki to chefs in japan (customers videotaped them)making them. :D I was thrilled. And so I made my own.

One thing that recently bugged me was that youtube have been taking off lots of videos because of violations to their terms. I haven't read their terms yet so meh. But they should have checked those videos before hand and not wait until way later to do it. -.-;;

week 8 #19

WOW or Amazing. I didn't know this existed. ^_^;; If I had known it existed while in HS, I would have use it already. Like after writing a paper the night before it was due and I needed someone to edit for me. I could just put it online using Zoho and let my night-owl friends edit for me. No need to keep on e-mailing back and forth. Also now, if I want to write my paper and then want to edit it while at work or somewhere else, I can do it. It even has spell check on the zoho writer. Because many times I spell words incoreectly. And with the notebook, I can jot down notes whereever I am.

week 8 #18

I've known xanga since I was still in HS, but I didn't use it. I actually don't like to blog that much, especially if the readers know who I am. I'm not much of a socialite ^_^;; Personally, I don't use myspace, but I do have an account because I wanted to join this one myspace community so I registered. But I don't really use it. My friends have been nagging me to get a facebook, but uhhhh... I didn't get one. I've recently visit some online people's Yahoo!360, and my sis also have one too. However, I'm not interested. I really don't know what to write or put on there.

SinceI'm not much of a talker or updater, these social networking sites just don't do it for me. But I like to visit other people's account because they can write pretty interesting things.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

week 7 #17

I posted a thank you comment on bethany's blog and clara's. I'm not much of a commentor. And about technology.... I don't know how to use much of today's high tech gadgets. I don't even own an iPod. ^_^;; Well, it's all good we're advancing, but sometimes we forget what's really important from the past. Now everything is convenient and accessible that I think we've lost some values from the before.

week 7 # 16

Wiki. I use it often when searching for something, information wise. Although I know it's not reliable but since I don't use it for school, it doesn't hurt. Having wiki for library is great in a way that it helps if librarians put information of the books/audio/video. I know that hcpl have it too, like author, summary, etc. but not everyone know about hcpl over the the world. On wiki, you can add related links to link related items.

week 6 #15

Well, the world is advancing so I guess libraries should too. It's really convenient as the partons can access journals and documents online. Hey, we can even check books and audio/video out digitally now. I feel that soon, patrons won't have the need to visit the library in order to check out books. ^_^;; But anyway it's good because then students don't have to worry about not being able get sources for their research because they don't have time to visit the library.

week 6 # 14

Well, when I searched for "learning 2.0" through advanced search, I got different results. Hmmm..... I don't know. I don't really care about the popular blogs since those don't interest me much. I usually just google it if I want to search for something, and most of the time, I'm satisfied with the results.

Friday, December 7, 2007

week 6 #13 is..... great. What's so great about it? Well, I can access it on computers other than mine and able to see what I've bookmarked at home while surfing around. Sometimes I tried to remember the website I went to the night before but couldn't remember the whole URL when I'm using computers other than my own. Also, I get to see what others have bookmarked too. It's wonderful because usually people only bookmark things that they like and are interesting.

weeek 5 #12

Elf is..... good if you like to check your e-mail everyday. For me, that's a burden and an annoyance since I don't like checking e-mail. I think I check mine once a month. Since I work for the library, I can just check my things while at work and see when they are due or what holds I have.

But I think for patrons, this is good because sometimes they'd tell me how HCPL didn't send out notices telling them their items will be due on such and such date. With this, they would get extra notices that would "annoy" them to the point they would return the books before they get worst notices sent to their mail box.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

week 5 #11

well, what I like about the LibraryThing is that it was really easy to find most of my books. It's even better because it gives me pictures of how the books look like. Also, when I look at the list, the authors' names are there. Pretty useful. I can also see how many people have it on their list. To see how popular or known the books are I guess. Well, that was all that I've found out about it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 5 #10

Yahoo! Avatars

Week 4 #9 Finding Feeds

Out of the three search tools: feedster, syndic8, and technorati, I thought technorati was the most interesting search tool. Well actually, I couldnt connect to feedster so I guess it would be out of two, not three. Syndic8 doesn't look friendly or interesting. The background is just white, no creativity at all. Technorati allow me to chose if I want to search individual post, blog, video, or photo. And it also list related tags, which is great because other people might use different names.

Week 4 #8 RSS and a newsreader

hmmm I'm not much of an up-to-date bird, but RSS helps me find the latest update for my favorite websites and news, although I don't read news that often. By the time I check these websites again, I bet there would be a ton of news for me to read. Well, I guess this would give me some topic to chirp about with other birdy pals.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 3: #7 Photo Editing Tools

my Lucky!!! not really. just some dog picture I googled.

Week 3: #6 More Flickr Fun

T W uppercase E  Vinings, GA E T Y T W E E Takase

Week 3: #5 Discover Flickr

let's start by posting my picture. "I tought I taw a puddy cat."

Friday, September 21, 2007

Safety Matters

I haven't been kidnapped yet, but I haven't tried to meet anybody yet because I'm scared. I do business online but I tried not to give out any personal information online. Now that I start blogging, I'm ready to meet someone on one of those matchmaking sites. Stay tune for the results. I'll blog about it later.

Sweety Tweety